It can be a financial disaster, a horrible boss, or just everyday pressures that can really get you stressed out! And if you’ve never been completely stressed out, you may not know what’s going on apart from panicking.

Stress can be sneaky. It can start slowly then build and build until your body produces a corresponding reaction. Below are six signs you may be really stressed out and need to try some effective ways to relieve stress.

patch of hair missing from the back of a man's head because he's stressed out

1. Hair Loss

There are many reasons for hair loss, but stress is high on the list. One stress-associated type of hair loss is alopecia aerate. Alopecia usually begins when clumps of hair fall out and leave a totally smooth hairless patch of the scalp.

Alopecia occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Experts do not know why the immune system attacks the follicles, but stress can trigger this and other types of hair loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, stress and hair loss can be related, “A variety of factors are thought to cause alopecia areata, possibly including severe stress.” And a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health concluded, “Stress seems to play an important role in the onset and aggravation of both alopecia areata and vitiligo, mostly with one stressful event before disease onset.”

Related article: How Stress and Anxiety Can Cause Hair Loss
Alopecia treatment: Alopecia Hair Loss Treatment

sings of stress - wide smile with teeth clamped together due to being stressed out

2. Teeth Trouble

Why your teeth? Some people grind their teeth at night while sleeping. Others may clench their jaw, often without even realizing it. Both can be signs that you really stressed out, plus grinding can severely damage your teeth.

The Nation Institute of Health reports, “Bruxism is the clinical term for the grinding or clenching of teeth while asleep…the grinding of teeth has long been held as one physical manifestation of stress and anxiety.” You may also experience a sore jaw, facial pain, and headaches. Your dentist can tell you if this is an issue and may recommend a mouth guard to prevent further damage.

Related article: Bruxism – Teeth Grinding
Teeth guard: The Doctor’s Nightguard Advanced Comfort Dental Protector for Teeth Grinding

Symptoms of Stress - Red hives breakout on a man's back because he's stressed out

3. Stressed Out Hives

Hives induced by stress can break out anywhere on your body. Hives are red, itchy, irritated and raised areas that appear on the skin in various shapes and sizes.

Hives can change size very quickly, move around, disappear and reappear, and it can all happen very suddenly. Allergies at reports, “Hives can certainly be caused or worsened by significant stress in a person’s life. In fact, stress is one of the most common causes of acute hives (symptoms lasting less than 6 weeks), along with infectious cases and allergies.” Stress can also worsen the effects of psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema. So pay attention to your skin when you’re stressed out.

Related article: Effects of Stress on Your Skin
Hive relief: Native Remedies Hive Away (50ml)

tight neck and back muscles on a man because he's stressed out

4. Tight Muscles

Tight muscles are one of the most common bodily reactions to stress. Neck, shoulders, back, and head are the most common areas stress can overwhelm. Muscle stress can appear as spasms, twitching, clamping up. Muscle pain caused by stress can make you stiff, tense, and cause a great deal of pain.

The American Psychological Association says, “Chronic stress causes the muscles in the body to be in a more or less constant state of guardedness. When muscles are taut and tense for long periods of time, this may trigger other reactions of the body and even promote stress-related disorders.” There are relaxation exercises on this site that can help you relieve the stress-knots that can develop in your neck, back and shoulders.

Related article: Stress Effects on the Body
Muscle relief: Dr. Bob’s – Neck Wrap Heating Pad – Doctor-Designed for Therapeutic Relief

woman looks in pain with hand on face because she's stressed out

5. Upset Stomach

It’s no surprise that stomach trouble is very common when you’re stressed out. It is sometimes referred to as a nervous stomach. Your body releases adrenaline, and your digestive system slows or even stops. Your stomach could feel like it’s tied up in knots. It can cramp with pain or feel like it’s turning upside down, and your bowels may move to empty itself. reports, “The digestive system is susceptible to emotional changes, stress, anxiety, and depression. In fact, some doctors have suggested that stressful situations trigger the stomach to produce more stomach acid, which causes symptoms that resemble heartburn.” Stomach complications can be from stress or a lot more, so it’s best not to self-diagnose and consult your doctor to get to the root of the problem.

Related article: How to Calm a Nervous Upset Stomach
Nervous stomach: Equalactin Relieves Symptoms Of Nervous Stomach Chewable Tablets

woman sleeping because she's stressed out

6. Weird Dreams

You may not think about your dreams and stress, but when you’re stressed out your mind can go into overdrive and take you through some really weird imaginings. Bizarre dreams can also be considered nightmares and may cause you to wake up stressed out. You know the kinds of dreams that are stressful; you fall off a cliff, your teeth fall out, or zombies are chasing you.

You may think bad dreams are harmless, but they can lead to health issues like insomnia, depression, headaches, or fatigue. Psychology says, “Isolated nightmares are normal, but when dreams resulting in extreme terror or anxiety recur often they can become a debilitating sleep disorder.” Work on relieving your stress before you go to sleep. And pay close attention to these symptoms of stress.

Related article: Dreams, Nightmares, and Stress
Sleep help: Bach Rescue Remedy Sleep

Take Action to Relieve Stress

From just these six symptoms of stress and remedies, you can tell that it is extremely important to learn how to relieve stress. The impact on your health, body, and mind can be astounding. Sometimes stress is not taken seriously enough, even ignored or denied. Don’t let stress go to extremes to get your attention. Notice when you’re stressed out and find a stress relief technique that works for you. Browse this site for some ideas and give one or two stress relief tips a try.

To Your Health!












